On the Bat planet, the 999's last stop before the final destination, Tetsuro met a sickly young man, who wanted a mechanical body so that he could have the endurance to become a great animator. Like many travelers up to this point, Tetsuro recalled his encounters along the journey and expressed doubts in his decision to obtain a mechanical body. The young man broke into their hotel room stole Tetsuro's belongings, including his pass, so that he could board the 999 disguised as Tetsuro. However, he found this unethical, since he has already worked so hard travel up to this point, and returned everything to Tetsuro when he met them at the train station.
La planète des Chauves-souris est le dernier arrêt avant la station finale, la planète Promethium. C'est là que de nombreux passagers viennent réfléchir à la question de devenir ou non des cyborgs. Tetsuro est l'un de ces individus. Là-bas, ils rencontrent un animateur en herbe nommé Masai. Il économise de l'argent en dessinant des portraits de voyageurs pour obtenir un corps mécanique afin de surmonter sa faiblesse physique et de réaliser son rêve de faire des dessins animés. Mais alors, il vole le passe de Tetsuro...