
親友の一人との結婚を知り、ついにモンスターハンターとしての仕事を辞め、人生を楽しむ時が来たと決意。 ただ、彼のギルドで最高のハンターとして、彼がアカウントを与えずに去ることは不可能です。 引退するためには、彼は最初に最後の任務を1つ達成する必要があります。彼の翼の下で、最弱の敵さえも倒すことができないと思われるハーフガールのハーフドッグのtheriantropheであり、戦闘の芸術で彼女を訓練します。 しぶしぶ、彼はこの究極のクエストを受け入れますが、状況が彼が想像していたよりもはるかに深刻であることをすぐに発見します! 確かに、ヒタムは非常に弱いので、敵は彼女を虐待することを躊躇せず、キクルは彼女を永久に救助することを余儀なくされます...私たちの戦士にとって引退はまだ遠いようです。

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Season 1 October 2022 December 2022 12
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Manga ⬄ Anime [Series]

1 339 toni kaku

Anime series that have a manga version. The manga medium could be derivated from the serie, base of it or just another adaptation from a common source like a novel, a light novel, a web novel, etc...

Dojikko Character(s) Inside

1 14 toni kaku

dojikko (ドジっ子): A cute girl who tends to be clumsy. They may make mistakes that hurt themselves or others. Dojikko character traits are often used for stock characters in anime and manga series.

Anime Fall 2022 Season

1 40 piotrdrag

Erotic comedy

1 6 toni kaku

Sex comedy, erotic comedy or more broadly sexual comedy is a genre in which comedy is motivated by sexual situations and love affairs. Although "sex comedy" is primarily a description of dramatic forms such as theatre and film, literary works such as those of Ovid and Chaucer may be considered sex comedies. Sex comedy was popular in 17th century English Restoration theatre. From 1953 to 1965, Hollywood released a number of sex comedies, some featuring stars such as Doris Day, Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Monroe.[citation needed] The United Kingdom released a spate of sex comedies in the 1970s, notably the Carry On series. Hollywood released Animal House in 1978, which was followed by a long line of teen sex comedies in the early 1980s, e.g. Porky's, Bachelor Party and Risky Business. Other countries with a significant sex comedy film production include Brazil (pornochanchada), Italy (commedia sexy all'italiana) and Mexico (sexicomedias).

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Ecchi Anime

1 37 toni kaku

Ecchi (エッチ, etchi, pronounced [et.tɕi]) is a slang term in the Japanese language for playfully sexual actions. As an adjective, it is used with the meaning of "sexy", "dirty" or "naughty"; as a verb, ecchi suru (エッチする or Hする) means "to have sex", and as a noun, it is used to describe someone of lascivious behavior. It is softer than the Japanese word ero (エロ from Eros or "erotic"), and does not imply perversion in the way hentai does. The word ecchi has been adopted by western fans of Japanese media to describe works with sexual overtones. In western culture, it has come to be used to refer to softcore or playful sexuality, as distinct from the word hentai, which connotes perversion or fetishism. Works described as ecchi by the western fans do not show sexual intercourse or genitalia, but sexual themes are referenced. Ecchi themes are a type of fan service, and can be found in most comedy shōnen and seinen manga and harem anime.

Kemonomimi Character(s) Inside

1 28 toni kaku

kemonomimi (獣耳, けものミミ, ケモノミミ): Characters with animal features such as ears and a tail, but a human body. One of the most common types is the catgirl.

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