Der Mythos besagt, dass der "Stein der Weisen" denjenigen Unglück bringt, der die nach ihm suchen. Nun, da mit Reole eine ganze Stadt geopfert wurde, verbreitert er sich erneut. Auf einen Sonderbefehl des Generalfeldmarschalls hin fällt eine von Kimbly angeführte Chimärentruppe in Reole ein. Doch der auf Rache brennende Scar stellt sich ihnen in den Weg.
Al’s body has been transmuted into a bomb by Kimblee just before his death, and Scar, in a fit of compassion, prepares Al to be saved by turning him into the Philosopher’s Stone. Scar sacrifices his right arm, melding it with Al, and making Al a container waiting for the army’s invasion of the city. Ed manages to fight off the two homunculi and with Ryla and Rose, they escape, but Ed knows he has to go back, and returns to the city. Mustang, using information gathered by Armstrong in his mock service of Archer, goes down to Tucker’s research room to put a stop to the madness. They are beset by chimeras and though they have little trouble fighting them off, Archer gets away. Before anyone can stop him, he sends the army into Lior. There Scar sacrifices himself to transmute the army into Al’s body, making him the Philosopher’s Stone.
Avant de mourir, Kimbly est parvenu à transmuter l'armure d'Al et l'a changée en une bombe prête à exploser. Afin de sauver le plus jeune des frères Elric, Scar va tenter une manoeuvre désespérée. Pendant ce temps, alors que Mustang et Armstrong ont retrouvé Archer et Tucker, Edward parvient à échapper à Wrath et à Sloth grâce à Rose et son bébé...
Con Ed impegnato a soccorrere gli abitanti di Liore, Scar è l'unico in grado di aiutare Alphonse quando la sua armatura inizia a trasformarsi in un congegno esplosivo.
賢者の石を求めるものは、必ず滅びる。いままた新しい伝説がリオールという 一つの街を犠牲に、生み出されようとしていた。大総統の特命を受け、リオールの市街に攻め入るキンブリー率いるキメラ部隊。だが、その前にイジュヴァールでの復讐に滾るスカーが立ち塞がる。
Kimbly transmuta a armadura de Alphonse, que agora corre sério perigo. Mas Ed está em uma luta contra Ira e Indolência, e o único com tempo suficiente para fazer algo é Scar, que somente encontra uma alternativa. Mas Luxúria, que pretende utilizar a Pedra Filsofal, não gosta da alternativa escolhida por ele e tenta impedi-lo até que Scar conta a ela os seus motivos.
Mientras Cicatriz se esfuerza por que su plan tenga éxito, Ed se enfrenta a su “error” en el túnel de escape. Todo está en juego mientras la Piedra Filosofal comienza a formarse.
알폰스의 갑옷이 폭발성 물질로 변하기 시작한다! 에드워드가 리오르 주민들을 지원하느라 바쁜 상황에서, 알폰스를 도울 이는 스카뿐이다.
Terwijl Ed de mensen van Liore helpt, is Scar de enige die Alphonse kan redden als zijn pantser langzamerhand explosief wordt.