With 165 years of practice, find out how one of the world’s leading chocolatiers produces up to 500,000 dark chocolate bars a day; it takes 35,000 cashew nuts from around the world to make a single batch of the fudge-like East Indian candy called kaju katli, and it’s up to a series of robotic arms to package them to perfection; loaded with butter and pecans, these crumbly melt-in-your-mouth cookies go by more names than a secret agent; and, blending tea, spices, and coconut milk, this refreshing smoothie combines tropical flair with a host of health benefits.
Conheça os segredos de uma das fábricas de chocolate mais importantes do mundo e veja como é produzida sua tradicional barra de chocolate amargo. Aproveite para descobrir mais sobre uma sobremesa indiana que leva chá, especiarias e leite de coco.
"Food Factory" wirft einen detailreichen und unterhaltsamen Blick hinter die Kulissen der industriellen Lebensmittelproduktion - diesmal u.a. bei einem Chocolatier und einem Smoothie-Hersteller.
Découvrez les secrets alléchants derrière nos plats préférés dans un voyage culinaire sur la transformation des matières premières. Au menu, muffins équilibrés et bonbons acidulés