1,300 cans of cola are produced every minute; it takes two strains of bacteria and a modern centrifuge to produce fat-free Greek yogurt by the gallon; more than 700,000 kg of butter cream is used every year to make mountains of Swiss roll cakes; and, 30,000 jars of pickled sliced beets roll off the assembly line every
Conheça os bastidores da produção de um refrigerante de cola muito popular na América do Norte, do iogurte grego industrializado, do rocambole de chocolate e de uma conserva de beterraba que é tão versátil quanto saudável.
Wie wichtig ist ein guter Chardonnay für den Geschmack von Dijon-Senf? Wie werden koschere Kokosmakronen zubereitet? "Food Factory" gibt Einblicke in die Welt der modernen Lebensmittelproduktion.
Les secrets de fabrication des aliments suivants : le yaourt grec 0%, la crème au beurre ainsi que les gâteaux suisses roulés.