Kenshiro loses badly to Kaioh. Even Ken's ultimate technique, the Unconcious Transmigration, doesn't seem to slow Kaioh down. Kaioh declares that the sealed memories which only Hyoh knows are the only key to defeating him in existence. Meanwhile, Jukei struggles to bring back the old, compassionate Hyoh, the one who thought strongly of his younger brother as a child, and stubbornly refused to ever divulge the location of the hidden technique. To do this, he stakes his own life upon hitting a destructive point: Jukei's ultimate destructive point. This goes beyond his expectations and drastically transfigures Hyoh's...
Le due battaglie volgono al termine: Jukei non riesce a far ritornare la memoria al suo allievo in quanto la mente di Hyo è stata manipolata da Kaio; il maestro viene così ucciso. Al castello di Kaio invece, il demonio riduce in fin di vita Kenshiro, il quale si dimostra impotente dinanzi ai colpi satanici dell'avversario.
Las dos batallas llegan a su fin: Jukei es incapaz de recuperar la memoria de su alumno ya que la mente de Hyo ha sido manipulada por Kaio; el amo es así asesinado. En el castillo de Kaio, en cambio, el diablo reduce a la muerte a Kenshiro, quien demuestra ser impotente ante los golpes satánicos del adversario.