After a global-scale nuclear war, the majority of earth's surface has become a wasteland, with most of the world's survivors fighting over the few uncontaminated food and water supplies. Kenshiro, the master of the deadly martial art Hokuto Shinken, is traveling with his fiancee Yuria (Julia in English version) when they are confronted by Ken's former friend Shin of the Nanto Seiken. After defeating Ken in combat, Shin engraves seven stab wounds on Ken's chest and leaves him for dead, taking Yuria with him. Ken's eldest brother Raoh, having witnessed the fight without intervening, returns to his dojo and challenges his Master Ryuken's decision to choose Ken as his successor over him. Raoh kills Ryuken and proclaims he will become the ruler of the new world.
A year passes and Ken is found wandering in the desert. He rescues a couple of young children named Bat and Lin from bandits. Afterwards he allies himself with another martial artist named Rei, a Nanto Seiken master who is searching for his sister Airi. Ken learns from Rei that his brother Jagi has been impersonating him in an attempt to tarnish his reputation and draw him out. Ken heads to Jagi's lair and defeats him. Before dying, Jagi reveals that he was one who convinced Shin to betray Ken and that he is now living with Yuria in his stronghold of Southern Cross.
Elsewhere, Raoh has amassed a huge army, expanding his domain by defeating rival warlords and begins heading to Southern Cross. There Yuria is treated with a life of luxury, living under the rule of King Shin. However, Yuria refuses Shin's gifts of affection, longing to be reunited with Ken. When she overhears that Ken is still alive, she attempts to sneak out of the castle, only to be taken captive by Raoh, who challenges Shin to combat. A while later, Kenshiro arrives at Southern Cross, finding the city in flames and Shin's men dead. Shin is still alive and fights Ken, but the battle does not last long, as Shin was graveley wounded in his batt
Sur une terre ravagée par un holocauste nucléaire, les plus forts sont appelés à survivre. Les plus grandes écoles d'art martiaux telles que le Hokuto et le Nanto sont les seules à pouvoir former les champions d'un nouvel ordre. Mais l'ambition conduit nombre d'entre eux à vouloir dominer ce monde de chaos et de misère. C'est le cas de Raoul qui s'autoproclame Roi du Hokuto. Un seul homme est capable de le vaincre : Ken. Laissé pour mort et couvert des sept cicatrices (sous la forme de la constellation de la Grande Ourse), il part à la recherche de sa bien-aimée Julia...
Il film è un rifacimento della prima serie animata, che parte da quando Kenshiro viene sconfitto da Shin fino al combattimento con Raoul con molte libertà rispetto all'originale e con parti omesse. Ad esempio Toki non compare né viene menzionato, inoltre vi è un'interazione fondamentale tra la piccola Lynn e Raoul.
Después de la Tercera Guerra Mundial, el planeta se vuelve un lugar desolado y hostil, el agua se convierte en el recurso más preciado. Los más fuertes dominan el mundo. Esto cambiará cuando el hombre conocido como 'El puño de la Estrella Del Norte', heredero del arte marcial más poderoso jamás conocido, ayude a los indefensos pobladores a conseguir una vida más digna.
Aufgrund eines verheerenden Nuklearkrieges, steht die Welt kurz vor der völligen Zerstörung. Die Zivilisation befindet sich in einem degenerierten Zustand, was ein gefundenes Fressen für gaunerische Ganoven ist. Doch selbst auf den Überlebenden wartet nur ein freudloses Leben. Die einzige Hoffnung der Menschen ist es, einen Helden zu finden, der in der Lage ist, ein »Fist of the North Star« zu werden, um die Welt in eine bessere Zukunft zu führen. Doch es ist schwierig, einen solchen Helden zu finden.