Due to the anomalous battle taking place in the desert between Archer and Lancer, various factions become aware of the commencement of the Holy Grail War. As the situation unfolds into chaos, Faldeus, tirelessly acquiring information and manipulating the press, catches sight of a girl new to Snowfield. This girl is Ayaka Sajyou, who wanders the city aimlessly. A mark resembling a Command Spell is engraved on her body.
A luta entre Enkidu e Gilgamesh no deserto chama a atenção de todo o país. Faldeus tenta camuflar, mas isso fica cada vez mais difícil.
Snowfield tremble encore de la déflagration ressentie la veille au soir. Pendant que les diverses factions s'affairent autour de la ville, Sajô Ayaka se retrouve seule, guidée jusqu'ici par une étrange voix.
Mientras la Asociación de Magos sigue indagando sobre la Guerra del Santo Grial que está organizando Estados Unidos, un nuevo Sirviente aparece en escena.