I Sønderjylland eftersætter videobilen en brugsstjålet motorcykel på falske plader, der kører vanvidskørsel med livet som indsats.
In Southern Jutland, the video car chases a stolen motorcycle with fake plates, driving madly on highways, country roads and through cities before crashing. In Aarhus, a procession of cars in a wedding procession disregards traffic rules, and the police have to intervene in a coordinated effort to stop it.
A young man, intoxicated by drugs and alcohol, has decided to steal a car with a trailer near Herning.
He swerves and endangers both himself and others with his driving until the video car stops him. On the Frederikssund highway, a mother with her young daughter in the car ignores the speed limits, and because it is considered crazy driving, she has to wave goodbye to the car.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)