The episode starts off with Oujou throwing a long pass. Monta intercepts it without turning around to watch the ball. Hiruma points out that Monta no longer needs to see where the ball's heading and dubs Monta's move Devil Backfire. Deimon's ball, Hiruma throws long overhead passes and Monta uses the Devil Backfire to catch it. After 5 minutes, the field dries and Sena is able to run at full speed again. Sena grabs on to Monta when he catches a ball and uses the Devil Hurricane for a touchdown.
El episodio comienza con Ojo lanzar un pase largo. Monta intercepta sin darse la vuelta para mirar la pelota. Hiruma señala que Monta ya no tiene que ver en la partida de la pelota y dobla movimiento Diablo Detonación de Monta.