Kid tells Hiruma that he fell directly into his trap, and that everything is always too good to be true. Hiruma reminds Kid that he told him that Eyeshield would definitely win, and Kid tells Hiruma not to forget that he said Hiruma Youichi is the best quarterback in the league. They part ways, saying that the rest of the battle will be a battle of wits, and Hiruma decides to do an onside kick.
Kid dice Hiruma que cayó directamente en su trampa, y que todo es siempre demasiado bueno para ser verdad. Hiruma recuerda Kid que él le dijo que Eyeshield definitivamente ganar, y Kid dice Hiruma no olvidar que, dijo Hiruma Youichi es el mejor quarterback de la liga. Se separan maneras, diciendo que el resto de la batalla será una batalla de ingenio, y Hiruma decide hacer una patada corta.