We may not be able to choose the day, the time or the way to die, but if we could, Bardalet is clear: at home, accompanied and without pain. But it's not always like that. Like the case of the woman who appeared in the middle of a field near La Jonquera in the 90s. It was impossible to guess who she was. She was not wearing any identifying items, no jewelry or tags on her clothing. Except for one detail: the tattoo of a snake that ran all over his body.
Possiblement no podrem escollir ni el dia ni l'hora ni la manera de morir, però si es pogués, Bardalet ho té clar: a casa, acompanyat i sense dolor. Però no sempre és així. Com el cas de la dona apareguda al mig d'un descampat prop de la Jonquera als anys 90. Era impossible endevinar qui era. No duia cap element identificador, ni joies ni etiquetes a la roba. Excepte un detall: el tatuatge d'una serp que li resseguia tot el cos.