The Amazon basin in Brazil is home to the indigenous Suri people – and is also the next stop on our bus ride down the Transoceânica highway. The drive along the longest bus route in the world continues through South America. Passing through Rondônia, passengers expect an unforgettable journey through the Amazon basin. But there isn’t much left to see of the jungle – deforestation means the rainforest is shrinking, and with it the indigenous people who call it home. Before the highway passed through their land, the Suri tribe lived here. But outsiders carrying smallpox wiped out nearly the whole population. Those that are left live on a reserve and are fighting to protect the rainforest. The bus hits problems as it continues through Rondônia. In Vista Alegre do Abunã, the villagers have blocked the road with a burning barricade. Will the bus be able to get round it?