Anri wird unruhig und stellt selbst Nachforschungen an. Es dauert allerdings nicht lange, bis sie hinter Masaomis Geheimnis kommt und sie in einen prekären Situation festsitzt.
Anri Sonohara runs away from the Yellow Scarves. She hides in a dark alley and is scared of what will happen if Kida finds out her identity. The scene flashes back to when Anri was fetched out of the hospital by Mikado and Kida. Anri is puzzled over Kida's strange behaviour and worries about causing a gang war over Saika. This prompts her to ask her 'children' in Yellow Scarves who their leader is, not believing it when told it was Kida and decides to investigate. The scene comes back to when Celty sends her a text message and rescues her. As Celty drives away, a Yellow Scarves member throws a metal pipe at Anri, who brings out Saika and slashes it away just in time. Kida comes to the conclusion that Saika is also in Dollars. Meanwhile, Izaya fills Mikado in on the details of the gang war between Yellow Scarves and Blue Square. Kida realizes that he had only fought as the Yellow Scarves's leader for Mikajima Saki, and now his best friend Mikado.
Anri viene soccorsa da Celty, membro dei Dollars, e fugge ai Turbanti Gialli, i quali vedendola brandire una katana, giungono alla conclusione che il gruppo rivale è coinvolto con gli eventi del Laceratore.
Mikado, Masaomi y Anri siguen con su vida pacífica como siempre. Pero Anri se da cuenta de que Masaomi está preocupado por algo e intenta averiguar qué es. Mientras tanto, se desata una guerra de bandas entre los Bufandas amarillas y los Dollars por saber la identidad del apuñalador.