Während Iiboshi die wahre Mission des Drachenfliegerprogramms enthüllt, steht auf der Gifu-Flugbasis plötzlich eine altgediente Veteranin vor der Crew.
Finally dragon pilots were informed the whole picture of their mission for Ritual, for which not only Japan Air, Ground,
Maritime Self-Defense Force but also the nation launch full-scare efforts.
To take "Mitatsu", the giant OTF arising from sleep in every 74 years, to new "Fushido", the place to rest.
It would take three whole days for dragon pilots and OTFs to lead way for Mitatsu as he can only move ate very low speed.
In preparation for the day of Ritual, the training for dragon pilots shifts into high gear, and Iiboshi revealed Sada's true identity.
Alors que Iiboshi révèle la véritable mission cachée derrière le programme de pilotage de dragons, une ancienne pilote se présente aux équipages de la base aérienne.
Mentre Iiboshi svela la missione che si nasconde dietro il programma Dragon Pilot, un'ex pilota molto anziana si presenta al personale di volo della base aerea di Gifu.
Iiboshi revela a verdadeira missão por trás do programa de pilotos de dragão. Um antigo piloto aparece para a equipe da Base Aérea de Gifu.
Mientras Iiboshi revela la verdadera misión que se esconde tras el programa para pilotos dragón, aparece en la base alguien que estuvo en ella hace mucho tiempo.
Terwijl Iiboshi de ware missie achter het drakenpilotenprogramma onthult, staat de crew van de luchtbasis Gifu oog in oog met een piloot van lang geleden.