Kazuhito lives his life with the massive sadist Natsuno, the mysterious masked author Akiyama Shinobu. However, believing it to be her chance, Suzuna encourages Natsuno to hold a signing. Telling her to work more publicly, she enters her into a cosplay event. When Madoka and Hami come to visit, they become involved as well... Next, in an attempt to inebriate the stubborn Natsuno, she reaches for strong alcohol...
오늘도 나츠노센세에게 하악대는 히아라가 편집자, 나츠노는 카즈히토에게 히아라기를 무시하라는 신호를
Kazuhito estará más asustado que nunca pues Natsuno se comportará de forma extraña. Lo que para ella será un dulce sueño para él será una terrible pesadilla.