Der gigantische Lucemon hält Nene gefangen, und Mikey, Shoutmon und selbst Sparrowmon können nichts gegen den Feind ausrichten. Also fasst Sparrowmon den Entschluss, seinen einstigen Kameraden, DarkKnightmon, dazu zu bewegen, bei Nenes Befreiung zu helfen. Doch dieser ist eher daran interessiert, die Kraft der Dunkelheit um Lucemon herum zu verstärken.
As the dark energy ball engulfs Lucemon Chaos Mode and Nene, Sparrowmon tries to grab Nene but fails as the energy digivolves Lucemon into his Shadowlord Mode with the girl trapped in the Gehanna sphere. As Lucemon takes off, Sparrowmon attacks him to rescue Nene as Shoutmon ×4 and Beelzebumon also involving in the fight too. But neither the Xros Heart Digimon or Sparrowmon could stop Lucemon as he siphons all the dark energy from the Heaven Zone's darkness-infected citizens, growing bigger as a result while a Monitamon informs DarkKnightmon on the current situation. While Xros Heart regroups to figure out how to defeat Lucemon, Nene reflects on the time when she was with Sparrowmon. Sparrowmon wakes up in Xros Heart's care as Lucemon starts to absorb the Heaven Zone as Shoutmon ×4, Beelzebumon, and Shakkoumon are unable to stop him. Without the help of DarkKnightmon, Sparrowmon tries another attempt at Gehanna with Taiki using the Patamon DigiMemory so Shoutmon ×4 to support her. When Sparrowmon manages to penetrate the dark energy sphere, she is grabbed by Lucemon just as she almost reached Nene. Lucemon then attacks Shoutmon ×4 and sends him and Taiki falling. Soon, with the mutual standing of both team, Taiki managed to DigiXros Shoutmon ×4 and Sparrowmon into Shoutmon ×5 to fight Lucemon. Shoutmon ×5 manages to destroy Lucemon as the Heaven Zone returns to normal. As Xros Heart are being congratulated by Shakkoumon (and giving Xros Heart the Code Crown in the processes), Nene harvests the remaining dark energy and brings out DarkKnightmon.
Lucemon absorbe el poder de las tinieblas y se transforma en una forma horrible y poderosa (Lucemon Satan mode). Dentro de la esfera gigante de la oscuridad que tiene esta Nene capturada. Taiki intenta rescatar a Nene, pero fracasa y Sparrowmon hace lo mejor así para salvar a Nene.
ננה חושפת צד אפל במיוחד, שמאיים להשמיד את כל האיזורים ואת נבחרת ההתאחדות בפרט, בכך שהיא חוברת לאוייב האכזר אקסנייטמון! במקביל, מייקי מנסה להבין למה ננה פועלת בצורה כל כך מחשידה.