Kurz nachdem Lucemon zum neuen Präsidenten gewählt wurde, zeigt er seine böse Seite und entwendet die Code-Krone. Er will sie an Laylamon übergeben und wird dabei von DarkKnightmon und Nene unterstützt. Können Mikey und sein Team noch rechtzeitig eingreifen?
As GuardiAngemon holds a coronation for Lucemon, Shoutmon has an encounter with Shakkoumon in the library after Lucemon leaves. When Lucemon arrives for his coronation, it is crashed by Shakkoumon who is really the administrator of the election. Lucemon uses the Heaven Zone's Presidential Armlet to split the Heaven Zone unleashing a floating building in order to gain its Code Crown. Lucemon than Digivolves into Lucemon Chaos Mode and reveals that he is actually working for Lilithmon. When Shoutmon tries to attack Lucemon, he ends up zapped upon the arrive of Nene and DarkKnightmon. She releases Sparrowmon as she and DarkKnightmon head to the floating building where a dark energy ball which also appear with the Zone's parting as it is corrupting the Heaven Zone's inhabitants. Before Lucemon takes off, he is grabbed by Ballistamon and then attacked by Dorulumon only for him, Ballistamon, Starmon, and the Pickmons to be knocked away. When he starts to unleash an attack on Taiki and Shoutmon, it ends up blocked by Shoutmon as Lucemon ends up attacked by Beelzebumon. Taiki then forms Shoutmon ×4B to fight Lucemon with Shakkoumon giving support before defeating Lucemon so Taiki can claim the Heaven Zone's Code Crown. Shakkoumon teleports Xros Heart to the floating building and find Nene harvesting the dark energy ball's energy for DarkKnightmon. Just then, having survived, Lucemon appears and grabs Nene while draining the dark energy. However, this results with Lucemon being overwhelmed by the dark energy as it engulfs both him and Nene before Xros Heart and Sparrowmon's eyes.
Todo comienza en que Slashangemon convoca una junta con todos los habitantes de la zona, disculpándose por los actos violentos de los policías y tambien le da el cargo de presidente sin esperar las elecciones a Lucemon, mientras todos los ciudadanos aclaman a Lucemon Zenjirou se pregunta donde esta Lucemon hay Shoutmon junto con Starmon van a buscarlo, y lo encuentran en la biblioteca de la zona estudiando, Shoutmon se sorprende de todos los libros que leyó Lucemon
הסודות האפלים של איזור השמיים נחשפים, ונבחרת ההתאחדות מחליטה לקחת את החוק לידיים! לאחר שלוצימון מצליח להביס את השלטון ולהיבחר לנשיא הבא, הוא מתהפך לחלוטין.