In einem abgelegenen Herrenhaus soll eine Krimifolge gedreht werden. Der Schauspieler, der den Kriminalkommissar spielen sollte, wird kurz darauf selbst zum Mordopfer.
Mori Kogoro was invited to make an introduction in an episode of a popular detective TV serial. The star of the show revealed himself to be very disagreeable with the rest of the cast, one of whom, Ruri Amaki (雨城 琉璃, Amaki Ruri?) turned out to be a fellow classmate of Kogoro when they were children. Ruri revealed to Ran and Conan who were present that she, Kogoro, and Kisaki, were classmates since kindergarten. Ran and Conan learned that the brainy Kisaki and the underachiever Kogoro seemed inexplicably drawn to each other, to quarrel. As the other classmates suspected, time showed that the arguments were intended to disguise their mutual attraction. The star challenged Kogoro to solve the mystery of the murder scene being filmed. To prevent Kogoro from embarrassing himself, Conan used the tranquilizer dart on Kogoro and cracked the puzzle with the clues present. During a break in the filming, the star was discovered with his throat slit, with Ruri over the body and her hands bloody.
Invité au tournage d'une série policière, Kogorō l'Endormi tombe sur une affaire d'homicide bien réelle. Mais la présence d'une amie d'enfance du grand détective sur le plateau force Conan à adapter sa méthode de résolution.
A Kogoro viene affidata una piccola parte in uno sceneggiato. Sul set, Kogoro scopre che la protagonista è una sua ex compagna di scuola. Durante una pausa dalle riprese, la maggior parte del cast e dei tecnici esce per godersi la prima nevicata. L'attrice, rientrata per prima sul set, trova il cadavere di uno degli attori.
Kogoro será el presentador de una serie de detectives, ahí se encontrará con una famosa actriz que era una amiga de la infancia. Mientras graban la serie, el protagonista será asesinado.