Kogoro liegt mit einem gebrochenen Bein im Krankenhaus. Nachts glaubt er, einen Mord zu beobachten. Er alarmiert Belegschaft und wird vom Chirurgen, Dr. Katsutoshi Eto zur Schnecke gemacht. Danach wird Dr. Eto erstochen aufgefunden.
Mori is in the hospital after injuring his ankle. While there, he witnesses a shadow of a murder. After causing an uproar three times and finding the place where the murder took place was an empty room, the murder occurs on the fourth time. Conan figures out that light is being reflected to that room and that the the first three times were in a different room while the fourth one occurred in the room Mori presumed. The culprit has an alibi of talking to the nurse in another room at the time of the murder. Mori is desperate to go into the Sleeping Kogoro phase to prove his innocence and happily exclaims it's coming when Conan secretly shoots a tranquilizer dart. Conan disproves the culprits alibi and proves Mori to be innocent.
Kogorô doit rester encore quelque temps à l'hôpital, après s'être fracturé la jambe au cours d'une arrestation. Il aperçoit de sa fenêtre un homme en poignarder un autre, plusieurs nuits d'affilée. Mais à chaque fois qu'il se rend sur place, ni victime ni arme sont présentes sur les lieux.
Kogoro viene ricoverato in ospedale in seguito ad una frattura alla gamba. Ogni notte Kogoro vede nell'edificio di fronte l'ombra di un uomo che pugnala una persona e ogni volta segnala l'accaduto alle autorità, ma non vi è mai traccia di un cadavere.
Kogoro se encuentra internado en el hospital luego de lesionarse su tobillo, y observa todas las noches el mismo asesinato.