Ran, Sonoko, and Conan are on the bus ride to Haido Hotel. Sonoko felt like that someone touched her butt. She caught the guy in the blue hat and accuses him that he's the pervert. The guy in the blue hat tells Sonoko that he's not a pervert but Sonoko thinks he's lying. So she told Ran to beat him up. Ran does as she says so she kicks but the guy in the blue hat blocks Ran's kick with his leg. He punches and Ran dodges. He kicks and Ran dodges again. Ran realizes that her opponent is using Jeet Kune Do. The guy in the blue hat is trying to explain that he's not a pervert but Conan explain for him instead. Conan saw that the real pervert was about to touch Sonoko's butt and the guy in the blue hat stopped the pervert. Sonoko got really mad at the real pervert. When the bus stops, the pervert got out quickly and runs away. Ran apologizes to the guy in the blue hat and he says it's okay. He asks where Ran is going and she told him that she and her friends are going to the Haido Hotel. The guy in the blue hat is going there too. He also thank Conan for explaining his innocence that he's not a pervert.
When they arrived at the hotel, the guy in the blue hat is making a reservation but it seems he's having problems. Conan wants to eat cake so Ran, Sonoko, and Conan are going to look for a place to eat cake at the second floor of the hotel. When they're about to take the elevator, the woman named Toshiko Hirukawa came out of the elevator. She asks Conan where he's going and Conan told Hirukawa that he's going to cake buffet at the second floor. Hirukawa told Conan that he can't use the elevator because she says it goes to the annex. Conan thought the annex was under the renovation. Ran apologizes to Hirukawa and she says it's okay. She suggest that they should help each other when in need. Hirukawa's friends found Hirukawa and she apologizes them for keeping them waiting. While Ran, Sonoko, and Conan left, the man mentions how the person is doing. Hirukawa explain that t
Conan, Sonoko et Ran veulent aller manger à un buffet de pâtisseries pour célébrer la victoire de cette dernière à un tournoi régional de karaté. Dans les transports en commun, ils font la connaissance d'une redoutable personne, experte en arts martiaux et en déduction. Ce nouveau détective lycéen se présente sous le nom de Sera. Une fois à l'hôtel où a lieu le buffet, une affaire éclate, que Conan va se dépêcher de résoudre, en faisant attention à ce fameux Sera, qui semble représenter un danger à plus d'un égard…
Conan, Ran e Sonoko si stanno recando all'Haido Hotel per festeggiare la vittoria di Ran al campionato di karate. Arrivati a destinazione, Conan, Ran e Sonoko cercano la sala del buffet e chiedono informazioni ad una donna. Poco dopo, i tre sentono strani rumori provenire dal parcheggio dell'hotel
Después de quedar campeona en el torneo de kárate Ran, junto con Conan y Sonoko, se encuentran de camino al hotel fantasma, donde conocen a una persona practicante de Jeet Kune Do, que evita que a Sonoko le roben el bolso. Todos se dirigen al hotel y allí ocurre un asesinato. ¡¡La sorpresa de Conan es mayúscula cuando descubre que esa persona es detective! Su nombre es "Sera".
Després de quedar campiona en el torneig de kárate Ran, juntament amb Conan i Sonoko, es troben de camí a l'hotel fantasma, on coneixen una persona practicant de Jeet Kune Do, que evita que a Sonoko li robin el bolso. Tots es dirigeixen a l'hotel i allà passa un assassinat. La sorpresa de Conan és majúscula quan descobreix que aquesta persona és detectiu! El seu nom és "Sera".