Es kommt zu einem großen Kampf zwischen den Deadman, Ganta und den Scar Chain, und den Undertakern um den Super-Mönch Genkaku. Und es ist gerade Shiro, der in diesem Kampf eine wichtige Rolle zu Teil wird.
As Nagi goes on a rampage on all the guards, Ganta stands to protect Shiro, taking all of his punches and trying to reason with him. As Nagi starts to come to his senses thanks to the bell Karako wears reminding him of his friends, Karako is suddenly stabbed by Genkaku. Nagi stands to protect his friends but is shot by Genkaku, who begins killing the other guards, whilst Ganta starts being poisoned due to not having any Candy in a while. Hibana tries to escape but is killed by Toto, who had managed to obtain Crow's abilities after drinking his blood. As Shiro enters Wretched Egg mode, the stone in Ganta's chest glows and blasts a powerful shot, with Nagi holding Genkaku in place as they are both taken out. Before passing on, Nagi gives Ganta his last piece of Candy. As Karako and some others escape, Ganta decides to stay behind so he can protect his friends.
Ganta affronte un Nagi enragé pour protéger Shiro, mais d'autres attaques sanglantes se déclenchent.
「墓守(アンダーテイカー)」に捕らわれたシロと唐子を救出するため駆けつけたガンタが見たのは、修羅と化し、手当たり次第に罪の枝を振るう凪の姿だった……。凪の振るう拳の前に立ちふさがり、身を挺してシロをかばうガンタ。ガンタが傷つく度に響く、シロの悲痛な叫び。 そして、唐子の涙。狂うか黙るかしかない、このデッドマン・ワンダーランドで、己の信じる「救済」を与えるべく狂気の武器を取る弦角を前に、ガンタが選ぶ運命は――!?
Mientras Nagi enfurece a todos los guardias, Ganta se levanta para proteger a Shiro, recibe todos sus golpes y trata de razonar con él. Cuando Nagi comienza a recuperar el sentido gracias a la campana que Karako usa para recordarle a sus amigos, Karako es apuñalado de repente por Genkaku.
나기에게 무슨 일이 있었던 걸까. 무섭게 폭주하는 나기. 그리고 시로를 지키려 그 앞을 막아서는 간타. 겐카쿠는 죽음이 곧 구원이라며 내면의 잔혹성을 유감없이 표출한다.
Per proteggere Shiro, Ganta affronta un Nagi impazzito, ma altri scontri sanguinosi si scatenano.