Wir erfahren mehr über Kurumis geheimnisvolle Fähigkeiten, und Shidou beschließt, Kurumi zu retten.
Mana kills Kurumi and explains everything to Shido. After he is forced away, he avoids Origami and Tohka after running into them because of seeing the death Kurumi caused. Tohka finds out the reason for Shido's behavior and continues her date with him to try to cheer him up. After gaining some insight to Kurumi, the next day Shido declares to Kurumi that he'll save her. Kurumi goes to the school rooftop while encasing the school in her field to dissuade Shido from trying to save her. Mana is confronting Kotori about Ratatoskr and attempting to use it as leverage against Kotori so she'll release Shido from the potential danger he's in. While Kurumi is threatening the school and the town, Origami and Tohka are engaging in battles with other copies of Kurumi. Shido convinces Kurumi only for her to be killed by another Kurumi.
시도는 태연히 쿠루미를 죽인 마나를 향해 분노와 공포로 범벅된 힐난을 쏟아놓는다.
그럼에도 마나는 태연함을 잃지 않고, 시도를 향해 이렇게 이야기한다.
나이트메어, 토키사키 쿠루미는 죽여도 죽지 않는 특이한 정령이라고...
Mana mata a Kurumi y le explica todo a Shido. Después de que se ve obligado a huir, evita a Origami y Tohka después de encontrarse con ellos por ver la muerte que Kurumi causó. Tohka descubre la razón del comportamiento de Shido y continúa su cita con él para tratar de animarlo. Después de obtener una idea de Kurumi, al día siguiente Shido declara a Kurumi que la salvará.
Mana salva Shido, uccidendo Kurumi, per poi spiegargli tutto. Dopo aver parlato con Tohka, Shido decide comunque di salvare Kurumi.