Shidou hat sich drei Dates auf einmal aufgeladen.
Wenn das mal gut geht…
Shido invites Kurumi out but is forced on a polygamous date when Tohka seduces him and Origami forces her plans upon him for a date. Shido is unable to deny any of them as Tohka would be heartbroken, Origami would be suspicious and his plans to seal Kurumi depend on the date. With their dates occurring around the same time and their entertainment venues located rather close to each other, Ratatoskr assists Shido by teleporting him to each girl's location while monitoring their emotional levels. After Shido leaves Kurumi, she finds some boys shooting at a stray cat and convinces them to let her play with them. Ratatoskr loses sight of Kurumi as Origami and Tohka run into each other. After they both proclaim their trying to find Shido for their date, Origami runs off concerned there may be another.
시도는 쿠루미와 데이트를 신청하지만, 운 나쁘게 토오카 오리가미와 시간이 겹치고 만다.
돌아가며 정신 없이 세 명을 상대하는 시도는 숨이 턱밑까지 차오르는데...
그만 시도가 자리를 비운 사이, 프락시너스가 쿠루미를 놓쳐버리고 만다.
Shido invita a Kurumi a salir, pero se ve obligada a una cita polígama cuando Tohka lo seduce y Origami le obliga a planear una cita. Shido no puede negar a ninguno de ellos, ya que Tohka estaría desconsolado, Origami sospecharía y sus planes para sellar a Kurumi dependen de la fecha. Con sus citas ocurriendo aproximadamente al mismo tiempo y sus lugares de entretenimiento ubicados bastante cerca uno del otro, Ratatoskr ayuda a Shido al teletransportarlo a la ubicación de cada chica mientras monitorea sus niveles emocionales.
Shido invita Kurumi ad un appuntamento, ma è costretto ad accettare anche gli inviti di Tohka e Origami, dovendo quindi gestire un complicato triplo appuntamento.