Das Date mit Touka ist im vollen Gange – wobei sich herausstellt, daß Toukas Magen ein großes schwarzes Loch zu sein scheint
Shido and Tohka are on their date being overseen and supported by the Fraxinus crew. Tohka mistakingly assumes that each variety of food she is consuming at first is a "date". Not accustomed to a crowd, when the couple enter the shopping area she assumes that humanity is launching an all out attack on her. Origami observes them from the shadows while Shido and Tohka go from a high priced restaurant to south of the station where they enter an improvised shopping area. Tohka is able to indulge in the foods present to her desire but notices that Shido doesn't seem to be having fun. They move on to an arcade that is dominated by crane games which Tohka mistakingly assumes is the "mecha team's" secret base. In the course of playing for a prize that has caught Tohka's eye, Tohka inadvertantly voices her bond with Shido.
「お前から誘ったのだろう? デェトとやらに」
시도는 토오카와 데이트를 하게 된다. 그런데 토오카의 눈에는 모든 것이 맛있고 신기하기만 했는데...
프락시너스의 백업에 힘입어 데이트는 순조롭게 진행되었지만, 이 둘을 미행하는 인물이 있었다.
Shido y Tohka están en su cita supervisados y apoyados por la tripulación Fraxinus. Tohka asume erróneamente que cada variedad de comida que consume al principio es una "cita". No acostumbrada a una multitud, cuando la pareja entra al área de compras, supone que la humanidad está lanzando un ataque total contra ella. Origami los observa desde las sombras mientras Shido y Tohka van de un restaurante caro al sur de la estación donde ingresan a un área de compras improvisada.
Shido e Tohka vanno all'appuntamento e vengono controllati e supportati dai Fraxinus. Tohka cerca di capire che cos'è un appuntamento, mentre si abbuffa di cibo.