Cybersix is a woman created by a mad scientist named Von Reicher.He has send one of his creations named Data 7 who is a panther,to kill Cybersix. In the day time Cybersix has disguised herself as a male teacher named Adrian Seideman.They have sent him/her to the same school that Lucas works in. During the day, Adrian sees a child pickpoceting.She catches the child and finds out that the boys name is Julian.Julian is forced to steal by an organization underground,and Cybersix is going to get him out of it. Data 7 is still on the look out for Cybersix,but once he finds her,he remembers that he is her brother,and now he fights by her side,to destroy Von's monsters.
Cybersix est une fois de plus la cible de Von Richter. Data 7, sa dernière créature, se lance à sa poursuite. José et ses CloneX deviennent encore plus puissants en faisant main basse sur toutes les organisations criminelles de Méridiana.
Cybersix es una mujer creada por un científico loco llamado Von Reicher. Ha enviado una de sus creaciones llamada Data 7, que es una pantera, para matar a Cybersix. Durante el día, Cybersix se ha disfrazado de un profesor llamado Adrian Seideman.