When Jackie, Matt, and Inez arrive in Happily-Ever-After the residents are preparing to celebrate the erection of their brand-new You-CanÕt-Get-in-Here Skywall. They are unaware that Hacker, waiting just outside the cybersite, has arranged to have the Skywall shattered by the high note in the Wicked WitchÕs signature vocal solo. His agent inside has passed him a recording of her singing, and heÕs using it and a model of Happily-Ever-After to verify that his plan will work.
As Spider struggles to orchestrate the event, Chicken Little raises an alarm: the dam is leaking! Efforts to stopper the hole are unsuccessful and water is rising fast until DigitÕs inspection reveals that the hole is larger on the inside of the wall than the outside. He makes a model of the shape of the hole and the kids use it to make a plug to fit the hole.
They return to rehearsals, only to have WickedÕs rehearsal interrupted by the collapse of the platform on which she is standing. She quits the show. The
תושבי האתר "לחיות בעושר" הזמינו את הילדים לחגיגות הגדולות לכבוד חומת השמים החדש שהתקינו כדי למנוע את פלישתו של האקר. המכשפה וויקד אמורה לשיר במופע והאקר מחכה בכיליון עיניים משום שקולה הגבוה אמור לרסק את חומת הזכוכית הגבוהה. אבל מישהו מנסה לחבל בחגיגות והילדים מנסים לעזור כשלמעשה הם עוזרים להאקר.
Para se proteger das constantes tentativas de Hacker na captura do rei do cybersite Felizes Para Sempre, ele constrói uma espécie de cúpula chamada "redoma de vidro Comigo Ninguém Pode" que impede que qualquer nave de pousar no cybersite. As crianças são chamadas para assistirem a um show de talentos que Aranha está organizando, onde a principal atração é a apresentação do canto da Bruxa Malvada. Vários incidentes acontecem antes que o show possa começar e as crianças se desdobram para consertá-los, sem nem ao menos imaginarem que ao fazerem isso, estão contribuindo para que Hacker possa sabotar a redoma. Através de um informante secreto infiltrado dentro do cybersite, Hacker descobre que pode usar a voz aguda da Bruxa Malvada para quebrar o vidro da redoma.