This Cutting Edge documentary explores the surreal world of Ann Barnes, Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent. In 2012, elections to appoint 41 Police and Crime Commissioners were described as the biggest shake-up to policing for 50 years and cost £75 million, but resulted in the lowest voter turn-out since World War II. The low turnout meant that some obscure and 'eccentric' candidates were voted in. Initially, Ann railed against the introduction of PCCs, describing the policy as 'naïve and disastrous' and 'a wilful waste of money', before deciding to stand as one herself. She had a rocky first year in office, best known for a Twitter-based scandal, her official presidential-style camper van 'Ann Force 1' and her distinctive anti-politics style of connecting with people. But do the public see her as an independent breath of fresh air, who will roll her sleeves up to get things done, or a gaffe-prone amateur who stands no chance in the face of a massive cuts to police funding?