In the Route 5, Apples are sold from a far away land. Pink Apples can be odd for people to eat. Because if people took a bite of an apple, they turn into dolls. As the brawlers are given apples to eat, they figured out that Squishing have turned into a stuffed animal. The brawlers are confused by this and see that everyone in town was turned into dolls. Will Kouchu and his co. reverse the effect? Who are selling these apples anyway? Kouchu and his friends must find a way to stop the apples into having the effect on everyone. When Kouchu and Sakuro turns into dolls, and when Shauna tries to kill the puppet master, she wakes up and realized that it was all just a dream. As she knows that the company is selling pink apples, but doesn't have the effect, she asks the company to ban the pink apples.