As the battle for Aptic boils around them, the damaged Basroil is given permission to withdraw from the field of battle. Unfortunately, though, the damage is worse than originally estimated. Frustrated and angry, Lafiel gives the order for all hands to abandon ship. On the main battlefield it appears that the enemy is trying to escape without engaging in further hostilities.
Fleet Commander Dusanyu will have none of this. He orders an attack. Admiral Spoor proceeds with her plan to cut a wide path through the enemy, demoralizing them in the process. On the Basroil everyone has reached the escape vessels, except for Jinto. Lafiel goes to look for him. She finds him, but before they can return to the others, there's an explosion.
Sous un feu nourri, Bartholomew est contraint de quitter la ligne de feu. Ginto se voit confier le commandement de la retraite du navire et part à la rescousse des blessés restés sur place, mais il est pris dans une explosion en chemin et perd la communication.