The Basroil is in spacedock being repaired, and the crew are stocking up on supplies. Dusanyu, with the new information he has received, decides that the main battle will be held in the area surrounding the Aptic Gate. He appoints Admiral Bebaus' fleet in charge of defending the region.
But the Bebaus brothers come from a family known for ""Spectacular Insanity,"" and everyone wonders if this will spell their doom. Meanwhile, as Jinto and Ekuryua are having a rather personal discussion, Lafiel comes into the room at precisely the wrong time and sees something that makes her very angry. Will Jinto be able to save face? And what are the Bebaus brothers planning?
Alors que les Shoushi profitent d'un bref congé, l'opération Phantom Flame entre dans une nouvelle phase. La flotte de défense aptique est commandée par les frères du clan Vyborg, connus sous le nom de « Brillante folie ».