Shin-chan meets a politician at an old age home and leads him into trouble before the media by asking him questions.
Fumie visits Shin-chan to take care of him in Misae's absence. Fumie lies to Shin-chan that she is his sister and makes him behave as per her.
Misae and Shin-chan forget that it is Father's day and make Hiroshi do their work. But later, they get gifts for him and make him happy.
Shin chan se mete donde un político corrupto da un discurso. La verdad sale a la luz. La sobrina de Keiko, Fumie, visita a los Nohara. Intenta engañar a Shin chan pero le sale el tiro por la culata. Es el día del padre. Misae y Shin chan no se acuerdan y no hacen más que pedir recados a Hiroshi.