Fred drives Ashley to Kathleen's house in Oldham but Ashley can't bring himself to knock on her door and gets Fred to drive him back to Weatherfield, saying he doesn't want to see her. Joan Wakefield calls on Alison saying she wants her to be happy but still drags up Cheryl. They end up rowing, with Joan accusing Alison of killing her. Alison refuses to let the memory of her sister ruin her life and manhandles Joan out of the flat. Ashley convinces himself he doesn't need the upheaval of having another mother. He refuses to take the risk of being disappointed in her. Fred comforts him. Curly thinks it's hysterical when Spider tells him that he's going out with Toyah. He accuses him of being hard up. Spider is frustrated as the only time they can be together is babysitting the Platt children. Alison tells Kevin she doesn't need her parents - he's her future.