Sally buys an old landrover for £850 and calls it Arnold. She is concerned as Rosie stops talking to her. Audrey is embarrassed when Fred tackles her about telling Ashley his secret. He tells her that she's hurt him. Martin books a family holiday, caravaning in Wales. Sally books the same site thinking it will cheer the girls up. Mike determines to see Greg suffer and decides to tell the police about the blackmailing. Ashley knows Fred is lying to him about not having a son. Jack tries to eat more healthily and stops smoking. He suffers further attacks but tries to cover them up. Janice snaps at Les, saying she's sick of being an outcast in the Street. Mike discovers the police have the envelope of negatives that Greg was blackmailing him with. He tells them about the blackmailing but they have no proof as the envelope only contained old newspapers. Mike is furious that Greg was conning him.