Rita tells Mavis about Fred's proposal. She doesn't like Mavis's disgusted reaction and has fun with her saying that she intends to accept. Kelly tells Ashley that she fears she'll have to go home to her parents and hints about them getting a flat together but he doesn't pick up on the hint as he likes his independence at No.5. Derek feels that Mavis should support Rita if she wants to marry Fred as Fred is Master Dealer. Liz tries to work out who left her the money. She thinks it's creepy. Ken visits his solicitor Margaret Dunbar to sort out his rights. She tells him to visit Daniel regularly and find people who will testify against Denise but warns him that Denise will probably be granted custody. She advises him to get rid of Kelly as her presence might look bad. Jack is embarrassed in hospital when Martin gives him a bed bath. Fred is thrilled when Derek advises him to take things slowly with Rita as she's still thinking about the proposal. He tells Rita that he wants her to take her time in answering. Fiona is certain that Alec is up to something as he seems to be avoiding her. Ken tells Kelly that she'll have to move out. Kelly takes the news badly. Deirdre calls on Ken hoping to comfort him but he asks her not to stay.