Deirdre takes two weeks off work and cleans the house ready for Samir. Tanya gets the order from the tribunal. She is upset as she doesn't want everyone knowing her business and fears the papers will pick the story up. Percy encourages Curly to court Paula as he obviously finds her attractive. Alf makes Gail see that Nicky has been affected by Ivy's stories of how wonderful Brian was. Tanya begs Alex to help get her out of the tribunal. He suggests that she lies to the court and refuses to do anything to help her. Insolent Nicky plays loud pop music to annoy the Platts. Sarah gets upset by all the rowing. Martin feels that Nicky will eventually come round but Gail shouts at Nicky for his rudeness. She is upset that he's turning into a boy she doesn't know. Deirdre grows alarmed when Samir is held by Immigration at Manchester Airport. Tanya asks Des to drop her from the case but he tells her that he'll enjoy seeing her in court. Deirdre is quizzed about her relationship with Samir and is forced to explain he is her lover. Tanya gets Charlie to walk her home, telling him that she fears Alex or Des might try to harm her. Samir is allowed into the country and Deirdre takes him home.