Curly asks Angie to forget anything he said. Tracy is annoyed when Ken stops her wearing lipstick at school. Sally is annoyed that Percy has rejected Lisa's offer of help. She apologises to her. Emily writes to Harry Potts demanding action. Lisa tells Sally that she loves Des and will put up with anything so long as she can be with him. Mark enjoys being met from school by Mike in his Jaguar. They go bowling. Tracy makes Doug uncomfortable by flirting heavily with him. Alma decides to make the effort to get to know Mark. Doug and Deirdre have a passionate session on the sofa. He is frustrated by the way that Tracy is always interrupting him. Angie gets cross when Neil laughs at Curly's stargazing. She tells him not to knock him. Mike encourages Mark to study. Ken tells Maggie that he feels their life together has been scarred.