Richard tells Gail that when she goes to see the bank manager about remortgaging the house she should pretend the money is for home improvements and not to bail them out of a financial crisis. Gail is unhappy about lying but agrees to do it. Vera looks into registering her house name officially with the Post Office but it costs £100 so she decides against it. Maxine discovers that someone has defiled their house name and changed it from "Balmoral" to "Immoral". Doreen is furious and blames Vera who denies all knowledge. Dev sets up a meeting with Mike and his cousin Naveen Alahan who wants to do some business with Mike. Mike asks Joe to attend the meeting too. Richard tells Gail that because of the remortgaging they won't be able to move house as they'd intended. Kirk finds the old radio from the hardware shop in a skip and gives it to Vera in return for free food in the cafe.