Curly and Emma's baby boy weighs 6lb 2oz and they name him after Norris's middle name - Benjamin, by calling him Ben. Both Curly and Norris tell everybody they meet how they delivered the baby. Curly is the proudest dad in the world. Geena and Shelley are getting excited about the Rovers' auction the following day. Vik tells Les to take a couple of days off work and sober up. Steve and Vik buy a couple of cars off Karl Harper. Tyrone sees this and realises they're cars which he's clocked for Karl. Bobbi is getting too possessive for Vik's liking - she's angling to move in with him. Todd and Jason are upset when they see a "For Sale" board go up on their house. Matt follows Maxine home as he wants to talk to her about the baby. Maxine tells him to keep away. Matt apologises and kisses her briefly as he leaves.