Janice and Gwen are furious when their pay packets are down. Sarah is put out when Candice starts hanging out with Kirsten Grant and going out with sixteen year old Darren Michaels. Steve is victorious when he hears Jez has been charged with Tony's murder and is locked up. Emma is pleased when Curly expresses his feelings for her and begs her not to leave his life. Kevin decides to sell the garage in order to buy a house for when the baby is born. Gwen and Janice accuse Linda of conning them into signing the contracts and are confused when she tells them she made up their quotas the previous week. Sarah gets upset when Gail refuses to let her attend the end of the play party, telling her she has to think of the baby. Sarah tells her that she's sick of the baby and is going to give it up for adoption once it's born.