Audrey tells Alma about Sarah, regretting her harsh words the previous day. Alma sympathises and reminds Audrey she's the head of the family. The Platts take Sarah into school to see her headmistress, Mrs Paton. Sarah is upset when pupils heckle her. Fred is surprised when curious customers spend more on meat in the hope of learning titbits about the Cartwright murders. He thrills them with his use of the meat cleaver. Sally decides to sell hardware at the unit but is discouraged by Danny's lack of enthusiasm. Audrey apologises to the Platts, promising any support they need. Linda sulks and goes on a go-slow when Mike insists she carries on as a machinist until he can replace her. To keep her sweet, Mike suggests she plans their wedding. Les is annoyed when Geena's horse doesn't win. The police break the news that the body is of a man, recently murdered.