Liz tells Steve that Jim is safe, but blames Karen for telling the police where he is. Sally asks Kevin to tell Tommy to sort things out with Angela. Steve accuses Laurie Dyson of shopping Jim to the police. Liz tells Steve that Jim is hiding at the marina so he can take him some food. Philip gives Cecil Newton the photographs taken by the private detective of Jim and Bet kissing. Fred has arranged a day out in Eric Roscoe's motorboat for himself, Ashley and Claire. Bev tells Deirdre that she picked up a man called Jon last night. His description is the same as Jon Lindsay and he also claims to be a pilot. Fred persuades Cecil to go and ask Bet about the photos. Sunita admits to Ciaran that she does want the big wedding but the problem isn't money it's her family. Cecil finds out the man is Jim when Liz comes clean about everything.