Curly is stunned to see Raquel. She struggles to keep calm and shows him a photograph of a little girl, explaining that he has a daughter, Alice. He can't believe it and rows with her for not telling him before. She explains that she didn't want him to try and force her back to live with him. He tells her this is the worse thing she's ever done to him. She tells him she often tells Alice about him and they look at her star. He hopes she wants to be reconciled and is gutted when she tells him she's going to marry Armand de Beaux, a forty-eight year old French gent who she works for as a nanny. She explains she loves him and wants a divorce as she is pregnant. Curly agrees to give her a divorce. He is touched when she urges him to visit Alice as much as he wants and that Armand will never adopt her. She urges him to stop clinging to the past and just enjoy being her friend. He agrees. They wish each other a Happy New Year and she leaves.