Alan meets Mr Vine, his accountant, in the Rovers before setting off for his meeting of creditors. Ken and Val wish him luck. The Mechanics Hall is packed for the meeting, including Annie, Len, Irma, Sid Lambert, Joe Makinson and Willie Piggott who takes advantage before Alan arrives of making a belligerent speech telling everyone not to fall for sob stories. Len and Annie are annoyed and publicly distance themselves from his comments. Alan and Vine arrive. Ena cancels a night out with Minnie, puzzling her by saying she's expecting a caller. Mr Vine offers the creditors an informal arrangement to avoid bankruptcy and a smaller settlement from the courts, setting Piggott off. Hilda thinks she ought to be at the meeting as Alan owes them 15/3. Vine explains that Alan owes £5,132 and his assets amount to £2,350, if he's given three months. Len proposes a moratorium agreement for three months, seconded by Annie but opposed by Piggott and Lambert. The meeting votes for the proposition.