Cyril can't find Keith Lucas but goes searching for him again. The Ogdens decide to butter up Dave Smith as they think he'll solve their financial problems if he becomes their son-in-law. They decide to invite him to tea. Cyril asks Dave to put out feelers for him. Dave finds out from a contact, Vince Fisher, that Lucas was seen in Walker Street earlier that morning. Cyril goes after him. Betty grows frantic when he's missing for several hours but he returns unharmed but again unsuccessful. Irma and Dave realise what Stan and Hilda are up to. Irma tells Bet she can't stand the thought of being married to Dave but that it'll be fun to kid her parents along. Cyril is on his night beat when Lucas confronts him with a lead pipe. A fight breaks out but Len appears and stops Cyril while he is in the act of beating Lucas up badly.