Audrey and Ray enjoy being in the yard with each other. The Walkers try to contact the Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia. Ken is angry at David's recklessness. Val remembers that the Ogdens don't yet know and she and Ken go round to tell them. Emily thinks that the fact that a telegram has been sent means that the car passengers' condition is critical. Audrey tells Ray she can't face Dickie in case her face gives her feelings away. Ken and Val break the news to Hilda. She grows hysterical. Albert thinks all that's happened is just fate, annoying Lucille. The Walkers pay for a call from the hospital to come through at 8.00pm to the Barlows' flat. Stan comes home to the news. Disagreeing with Albert's statements, Lucille upsets Ena with her atheist views. Albert is furious with Dave Smith when he suggests a bet on the news from Australia.