Elsie is amused to see Hilda chatting to herself in the salon mirror about how Stan has lied to her again. Elsie is jealous that Alan had a good time at Ken and Val's. Piggott tells Emily to rifle through the yard paperwork to find out what he wants. Ena disturbs their conversation and demands to know from Emily what's going on after Piggott has gone. Audrey refuses to apologise to Sandra and denies having feelings for Ray when Dickie asks her outright. Ray tries to reassure Sandra's concerns. Stan again refuses to change his job when Hilda asks him to. Emily tries to sneak a look at the tender in the yard when she asks Audrey if she can use the phone. Len unwittingly tells her that the sum is £12,300. Alan demands the best treatment from his staff when Annie calls at the salon. Hilda phones the bakery anonymously and tells them Stan is not doing his job. Alan comes to Ken and Val's to eat again. Emily tells a pleased Piggott the tender sum. He decides to offer £11,900 and undercut the