All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Kaia Ra: Wings Up! Embodying Your Angelic Light

    • Gaia

    Leading from the front lines of The Sophia Code® international movement, Kaia Ra shares important angelic lightbody activations and helpful guidance for embodying your Higher Self in 2019.The year 2019 will be a pivotal year for Lightworkers around the world, in which the call to lead, to be fully seen, and to deeply serve humanity’s transformation will become an angelic mission of the highest order. In 2019, Kaia Ra will be focusing upon activating the angelic ray of humanity’s divinity, with a call from the highest realms to keep your angel wings up and your heart open as you lead.Kaia Ra® is the world-renowned Oracle for an Ascended Master High Council called The Sophia Dragon Tribe and the international bestselling author of The Sophia Code. She is a Divine Feminine speaker teaching The Sophia Code curriculum worldwide. Surviving multiple near-death experiences, her living transmission is of shamanic proportions, downloading ascension blueprints for quantum-leap evolution. Kaia Ra leads an international movement and modern-day mystery school, teaching thousands how to embody their Higher Self.

  • S01E02 Robert Perala: Extraterrestrials and the Origin of the Soul

    • Gaia

    Robert teaches us about the origin of the soul, the nature of existence, and our relationship with extraterrestrial lifeforms. He is most noted for his famous abduction by extraterrestrial astronauts in 1977.This incredible power point presentation teaches us about the cycles of our lifetimes and our mysterious relationship with our extraterrestrial ancestors called the Pleiadians. The Lost Book of Job tells us we are descendents of the House of Pleiades. Extraterrestrials are a large part of Earth’s spiritual hierarchy.You will learn about the secrets of life's continuum, the teachings of the masters, and how your dreams might reveal simultaneous potential lifetimes on other timelines as taught by the Veda’s in India.Robert Perala is the internationally acclaimed author of The Divine Blueprint: Roadmap for the New Millennium, and the new revised edition of The Divine Architect: The Art of Living and Beyond. He is considered by many to be one of North America's finest inspirational speakers. He has been featured on: CNN, The FOX Network, Showtime, and Coast to Coast AM to name a few.

  • S01E03 Ibrahim Jaffe: Medical Spiritual Healing through Spiritual Transformation

    • Gaia

    In this extraordinary workshop, you will discover:Insight into a healing experience that will open you up to your own infinite healing possibilitiesAncient Sufi practical wisdom that will help you reduce stress, anxiety, fearsA deeper connection to the Divine EssenceDiscover the root cause of illnessExplore healing demonstrations, meditations, and teachings on the ancient Sufi healing secrets. Dr. Jaffe's Medical Spiritual Healing methods have proven to bring about powerful spiritual realizations and healings by connecting to the Source of Pure Love and the Essence of the Divine.Ibrahim Jaffe, MD, has pioneered Medical Spiritual Healing (MSH) worldwide, which integrates the secrets of Sufi spiritual healing with traditional western and complementary medicine.

  • S01E04 Grant Cameron: Consciousness, UFOs and Reality

    • Gaia

    Grant discusses how consciousness is used in the operation of alien craft. He includes concrete examples of how the “Non-Human Intelligence” clearly shows that there is no such thing as time and, possibly no such thing as space. The true nature of reality may be totally different than what we currently believe.Grant Cameron is the recipient of the Leeds Conference International Researcher of the Year and the UFO Congress Researcher of the Year. He has done extensive research on the role of the US Presidents in the phenomena, the key role of consciousness, time and space, and the key secrets held by UFO experiencers. He has written seven books and is the host of The Cameron Files radio show on KGRA.

  • S01E05 Dr. Sue Morter: What’s Next Is NOW — Embodying the Frontier of Consciousness

    • Gaia

    Science is showing us today that we are empowered, literally beyond belief, and that we have the capacity to create our own reality that we, until now, did not know existed. There is a way of being, previously illusive, that liberates the heart, enlightens the mind and embodies the spirit. Healing and empowerment are simple by-products of revealing our true magnificence and they happen automatically once we activate our deeply unified truth.We are often stressed, depleted or confused about what has meaning, value and substance, and we try to manage our lives from the paradigm we were raised in – which is no longer sufficient. Cutting-edge quantum science, energy medicine and heart- based consciousness come together in this powerful and inspired invitation into creating a dimensional shift in how we perceive reality and our purpose for being here.Dr. Sue Morter has worked with individuals and groups around the globe imparting wisdom on natural health care and the power of consciousness to transform life. Her Energy Codes coursework is based on Energy Medicine, Quantum Theory and the deep study of consciousness present in eastern principles. A life-changing experience with ancient meditation practices inspired her to devote her life to sharing the freedom which is available to all.

  • S01E06 Erich Von Däniken: The Gods Were Astronauts

    • Gaia

    Join Erich for a fast-paced overview of some of the world’s great mysteries. Beginning in 1968 with the publication of his groundbreaking book Chariots of the Gods, Erich von Däniken has been at the forefront of research into the origins of human history. Some of what Erich talks about during his Expo presentation includes: Did extra-terrestrials have sex with humans? The Nazca Lines. Chariots of the Gods. Cheops and the Great Pyramid. Fatima, Portugal.Erich von Däniken has 200,000 pictures in his archives, covering every mysterious place on the planet. He has published 39 books concerning the visit of E.T.s in mankind's deep past. Since his first book Chariots of the Gods, published in 1968, Erich von Däniken has continued his research in the field of ancient archeology and brings a new and modern emphasis to our other-world ancestry. And he makes it absolutely clear: this planet was visited by E.T.s in the past. Our stone age ancestors looked at these visitors as “the gods.” In retrospect this was a big mistake – creating false mythologies and religions.

  • S01E07 Deborah King: Temple of the Violet Flame

    • Gaia

    Join spiritual teacher, master healer, and New York Times bestselling author Deborah King for an experience in the Temple of the Violent Flame. Be guided through a mind-blowing visualization with Saint Germain to a state of higher consciousness where your old traumas are transmuted.*Release past lives that may be blocking your progress*Meet spirit guides from beyond this plane*Transform your chakras into powerhouses of energyMaster Healer Deborah King’s story of recovery from cancer led her to leave the corporate arena for the mysterious world of healers, sages, and shamans. Her NYT bestselling book Be Your Own Shaman, Truth Heals, and her newest, Heal Yourself – Heal the World, guide the reader through a personal transformation. W magazine calls her “electrifying.”

  • S01E08 Jason Rice: The Secret Space Program and Its Effects

    • Gaia

    The many people worldwide who have been involved in various unacknowledged special access programs like the SSP are an integral part of today’s society. They come from widely ranging careers, socio-economic backgrounds and social structures from all parts of the world. Whether or not they are aware of their involvement in these programs, their experiences are contributing to the global co-creative and awakening process.This talk explores the nature of IDARF, the details of their deployments and the implications it will have on society when the world is awakened to its existence. It explores a number of factors that society will be faced with in a post-disclosure era as a direct result of unacknowledged secret space programs.Jason Rice was recruited into unacknowledged classified programs at a very early age. After graduating in 1996 with a bachelor of science in engineering, he served as a ground forces officer in the Interplanetary Defense and Reaction Forces (IDARF) fleet. His career in that unit took him to distant planets, training and serving alongside indigenous populations defending their home-worlds against false-flag interstellar invasions.

  • S01E09 Sonja Grace: Earth Medicine and Animal Magic

    • Gaia

    Award winning author and mystic healer Sonja Grace is an expert on dimensional travel. Through her signature grounding meditation she shifts the group into a higher dimension while she guides them through healing and processing within the chakras, accessing each person’s animal totem.Through this profound Earth Medicine, learn how all seven animals interact with you daily and experience the magic and a healing with your totem. Sonja explains the medicine of each element and how they relate to you and the cosmos. Be prepared to travel beyond time and space into higher consciousness.Sonja Grace is an energy surgeon who works long distance with clients around the world. Sonja has appeared on GAIA TV’s Great Minds, Ancient Civilizations, Inspirations, Beyond Belief with George Noory, and Coast to Coast AM. Her new book is Dancing with Raven and Bear.

  • S01E10 Theresa Bullard: Fulfilling Life’s Purpose through Initiation

    • Gaia

    Are you called to fulfill a unique mission or purpose in life? Join us for this presentation on The Path of Initiation as a powerful form of spiritual alchemy. Learn how to quicken your way to achieving your full potential and life purpose. Explore the ancient mystery school traditions and keys to creating success from the inside-out. Receive a special method you can use to call in more Light.Dr. Theresa Bullard, International Instructor with the Modern Mystery School and co-founder of Mysterium Center in LA, combines a Physics Ph.D. with a lifelong path of exploring consciousness and ancient wisdom traditions.

  • S01E11 Anita Moorjani: The Power of Transformation

    • Gaia

    Anita delves deeper into the mysteries of life and leads participants on a journey to help uncover the roots of their own issues, whether health related or otherwise. Her work has helped countless people across the globe to attain healing and wellness. She also illuminates some of the mysteries behind transformational experiences and healing, making these concepts easier to understand and more accessible for you, so that you can continue to stay in that space long after you have left the seminar.Anita Moorjani is an international speaker and New York Times best-selling author of Dying To Be Me and What if This is Heaven. In 2006, after suffering from cancer, Anita slipped into a deep coma. She entered into a Near Death Experience and discovered great wisdom and truths that she shares with the world.

  • S01E12 Billy Carson: Fractal Holographic Universe Theory

    • Gaia

    In fractal cosmology there exists a set of cosmological theories which state that the distribution of matter in the Universe, or the structure of the universe itself, is a fractal holographic matrix. Billy Carson delves deep into the fabric of space-time and Mandelbrot fractals, linking the wisdom of Thoth -Hermes and the Principle of As Above So Below with what modern science is just starting to rediscover.Billy Carson, is the founder of and the author of his new book, Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets. As co-founder of the United Family of Anomaly Hunters (UFAH), Billy Carson works with some of the top anomaly hunters in the world. Their mission is to provide evidence of past and present life on Earth, as well as on other celestial bodies inside our solar system. They also work to educate others about ancient technologies and their potential origins. The group is a pioneer in two new fields of science—Archeoastronomy and Astro-anthropology.

  • S01E13 Emery Smith: Working in an Underground Base

    • Gaia

    From the extreme security measures taken to secure an underground base to extra-terrestrial co-workers assisting him in surgery, Emery dives into all details regarding his work underground in Sandia National Labs at KAFB & Los Alamos National Labs. This interview with Paola Harris includes the incredible technology witnessed by the MILABS, experiences riding maglev trains to Dulce, the various genetic hybrid programs Emery was involved in as well as retrieving spacecraft and being a part of the scientific team to study E.T. craft.Emery Smith is a US Air Force veteran with a long history of assignments in highly classified, deep-black covert operations. Emery’s “moon lighting” job at both Sandia and Los Alamos National facilities led to him being directly involved in lab work and 3,000 tissue samples of extraterrestrials. Smith eventually worked at facilities all over the world, due to the varying surgical experience and intense knowledge of biologics and genetics he acquired. Additionally, he has personally witnessed multiple crashed UFOs in the military’s possession has studied their composition and operational characteristics. He is interviewed by Paola Harris in this workshop.

  • S01E14 Bashar: The Past, Present & Future Are Within You

    • Gaia

    In this session, Bashar explains how we use the illusion of time to creatively navigate our path in life. The Bashar transmissions are designed specifically for your mind and your imagination to be fully activated, inspired and to accelerate your personal journey of transformation!For 34 years, Darryl Anka has channeled the remarkable multidimensional being known as Bashar. Bashar describes himself as an extraterrestrial being from the future; a “contact specialist” who is specifically involved in preparing Earth for extraterrestrial contact. He explores a wide-range of subjects from a unique perspective of knowledge, with great insight, humor and a profound understanding of how we manifest our experience!

  • S01E15 Teal Swan: Shame

    • Gaia

    Shame is one of the most misunderstood concepts on the planet today. In this in depth workshop, author and speaker Teal Swan discusses why shame is not an emotion, but a biological affective reaction. Shame can be triggered when someone with whom we need closeness, such as a parent or guardian, is perceived to have pushed us away. We may feel that our survival depends on our rejecting this part of ourselves.Teal explains why shame is the mechanism for internal fragmentation in which we split off from parts of ourselves. The more aspects we push away, the lonelier we are. She shows a way to bring all aspects of ourselves closer, as part of oneself.Teal Swan is a personal transformation revolutionary. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

  • S01E16 David Adair: My Story — Child Prodigy to Rocket Scientist

    • Gaia

    We asked the original “Rocket Man,” David Adair, to share his amazing life story. How he began by learning everything he could about science in childhood through science books and his amazing photographic memory. How he built and launched powerful rockets over farm fields as a child.He often received his advanced scientific inventions in dreams and Dr Stephen Hawking, on meeting David, told him that he also got ideas through dreams. David shares his ordeal of being forcibly taken to Groom Lake (Area 51) as a teenager, along with his latest rocket prototype. He describes the UFO engine he examined under the base and how he kept his knowledge and rocket from being used by the military and much more!David Adair is an internationally recognized expert in space technology spinoff applications for industry and commercial use. At age 11 he built his first of hundreds of rockets which he designed and test flew. At age 17 he won “The Most Outstanding in the Field of Engineering Services” award from the US Air Force. Currently David has his own research company, Intersect Inc., where he continues to work and speak on space technology and research sustainable energy for the whole planet.

  • S01E17 Jason Silva: We Are the Gods Now!

    • Gaia

    The world is changing before our very eyes. Disruptive technologies are transforming humanity, expanding our range of possibilities beyond comprehension. Artificial intelligence, programmable biology, psychedelic psychotherapies, virtual reality are the precursors for a world built out of human imagination, a world where we engender our own divinity. How we use these powers will determine our fate.Jason Silva is an Emmy-nominated and world renown TV personality, philosopher, filmmaker, and sought-after speaker and futurist. Jason is known for hosting 5 seasons of the Emmy-nominated, global hit TV series Brain Games and for his YouTube series Shots of Awe, with over 100 million views. On Brain Games, Jason gets inside your head and shows you what is going on in there with an intricate series of interactive experiments. In this session, he is interviewed by Steven Cotler.

  • S01E18 Nassim Haramein: The Universe and You!

    • Gaia

    For almost two decades physicists have been looking for the source of dark matter and dark energy. The current conventional equations only predict 4% of the mass of the universe, the rest being an unknown substance described as dark matter and dark energy.This year, physicist Nassim Haramein has for the first time applied his holographic equations to the universal scale and was able to predict the exact critical mass of the universe without the help or the need to incorporate dark matter and dark energy. This new equation tells us something vastly different about our universe, cosmogenesis and ourselves. Explore the new emerging physics that will transform the way you think, see the world, your relationship with yourself and to everything.Physicist Nassim Haramein has spent more than 30 years researching and discovering connections in physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, chemistry and other fields. His findings are focused on a fundamental geometry of space that connects us all; from the quantum and molecular scale to cosmological objects in the universe.

  • S01E19 Nassim Haramein: Consciousness and the Human Antenna

    • Gaia

    The source of consciousness has been a fundamental mystery since the beginning of time. As we advance in our understanding of the universe and ourselves, a new picture is emerging. It is becoming clear that there is a fundamental field of information that is the source of all the material world and that permeates everything. Nassim Haramein presents these new results in the exploration of the source of consciousness and demonstrates some of the technologies that are emerging from them.Physicist Nassim Haramein has spent more than 30 years researching and discovering connections in physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, chemistry, and other fields. His findings are focused on a fundamental geometry of space that connects us all, from the quantum and molecular scale to cosmological objects in the universe.

  • S01E20 Thomas John: An Afternoon with Spirit

    • Gaia

    Join Lifetime’s “Seatbelt Psychic,” Thomas John, in An Afternoon With Spirit! During this special event, nationally known medium Thomas John delivers messages from Spirit from loved ones to as many audience members as he can. Thomas also talks about his process as a psychic medium and how you can connect with the Spirit world on your own! Whether you or someone else receives a message, it is amazing to witness John channeling and delivering messages from spirits from the Other Side.Thomas John, gifted since birth, connected with the spirit of his late paternal grandfather at the tender age of four and correctly described to his parents the location of a missing wrist watch that had haunted the family for years. From that point forward, Thomas and his family knew he had prodigious abilities, unlike any they had experienced before.

  • S01E21 Dr. Sue Morter: The Energy Codes — Ignite Your Power

    • Gaia

    During her 30 years of healing work in private practice, Dr. Sue codified what patients did naturally to heal. With that information, and coupled with a life-changing experience in deep meditation twenty years ago, Dr. Sue masterfully weaves together the worlds of quantum science and ancient spiritual wisdom. In this awe-inspiring workshop Dr. Sue shows how to apply these insights for not only changing your life but changing the reality that you see and engage in.Dr. Sue reveals and demonstrates the two systems that run our bodies and teaches us to move them into alignment and resonance with results that last. She teaches what is called The Quantum Flip for changing your perspective on what is possible for humanity as she speaks into our multi-dimensionality and our power as true creators.Dr. Sue Morter has worked with individuals and groups around the globe, imparting wisdom on natural health care and the power of consciousness to transform life. Her Energy Codes coursework is based on energy medicine, quantum theory and a deep study of consciousness in eastern principles. A life-changing experience with ancient meditation practices inspired her to devote her life to sharing the freedom available to all.

  • S01E22 Emery Smith: The E.T. Genetic Programs

    • Gaia

    Emery discusses the various genetic programs he was involved in during his time underground in the facilities. He discusses the science behind ET hybridization with humans, mutations of growing such creatures, cloning programs, what programmed life forms are used for, how to tell the difference of these beings, what purpose each serves, and what comprises their genetic material. We discover why these studies are being done and what role they serve for the civilian world.Emery Smith is a US Air Force veteran with a long history of assignments in highly classified, deep-black covert operations. Emery’s “moon lighting” job at both Sandia and Los Alamos National facilities led to him being directly involved in lab work and 3,000 tissue samples of extraterrestrials. Smith eventually worked at facilities all over the world, due to the varying surgical experience and intense knowledge of biologics and genetics he acquired. Additionally, he has personally witnessed multiple crashed UFOs in the military’s possession and has studied their composition and operational characteristics.

  • S01E23 Billy Carson: Hermetic Principles and Thoth The Power of the Spoken Word

    • Gaia

    Billy Carson appreciates the dedication and hard work it takes to accomplish great things. Recently, Mr. Carson earned the Certificate of Science (with an emphasis on Neuroscience) at M.I.T. Among his most notable achievements, Billy is the CEO of First Class Space Agency based in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Specifically, his space agency is involved in research and development of alternative propulsion systems and zero point energy devices.

  • S01E24 Paola Harris: UFOs and the Consciousness Connection

    • Gaia

    In her 40 years of research, investigative journalist Paola Harris has discovered that the paranormal factor and the consciousness component are the most compelling parts of her UFO investigations. She shares with us several of her most interesting cases and discuss the synchronicities that led to finding the truth.After many years of data collection and scientific documentation, she has come to the conclusion that the dimensionality of the subject matter is the most realistic answer to extraterrestrial contact. The messages signify a raising of human consciousness.Paola Leopizzi Harris is an Italo-American photojournalist and investigative reporter in the field of extra-terrestrial related phenomena research. She is a widely published freelance writer who has studied this phenomenon since 1979 and is on personal terms with many of the leading researchers in the field. Paola is the author of six books and producer of the annual StarworksUSA conference.

  • S01E25 Stephen Bassett: Talking Tom DeLonge & the To the Stars Academy

    • Gaia

    The most important disclosure development in the world today is the emergence of the To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science in October of 2017. This workshop will be a comprehensive assessment of this development by a political activist who is not connected to the TTS/AAS in any way. If you are confused by the trolls and disinfo regarding this organization, join us! Questions will be welcome and may be asked at any time.Stephen Bassett is the executive director of Paradigm Research Group (PRG) founded in 1996 to end a government-imposed embargo on the truth behind extra-terrestrial related phenomena. He speaks around the world about the implications of formal "Disclosure" by world governments and has given over 1000 radio and television interviews.

  • S01E26 Maureen St. Germain: Tools to Anchor-In 5D

    • Gaia

    Discover ways you can anchor yourself into 5D, with minimal effort. Maybe you don’t know what you need to know about 5th dimension to make this real for you. Maybe you are not even clear about what the fifth dimension is!The old paradigm of third dimension is only in place for those who still want to play in that arena. Some of you are playing by the old rules without realizing the game has changed. Players in the new game know how to maximize the new rules, so understanding and applying secrets makes it easy for you to switch.Maureen St. Germain is the author of 2018’s best-selling book of the year, Waking Up in 5D. She is a highly acclaimed transformational teacher known for her ascension tools. Maureen guides you through some amazing exercises that will change your basic matrix to always wake up in 5D.