Science is showing us today that we are empowered, literally beyond belief, and that we have the capacity to create our own reality that we, until now, did not know existed. There is a way of being, previously illusive, that liberates the heart, enlightens the mind and embodies the spirit. Healing and empowerment are simple by-products of revealing our true magnificence and they happen automatically once we activate our deeply unified truth.We are often stressed, depleted or confused about what has meaning, value and substance, and we try to manage our lives from the paradigm we were raised in – which is no longer sufficient. Cutting-edge quantum science, energy medicine and heart- based consciousness come together in this powerful and inspired invitation into creating a dimensional shift in how we perceive reality and our purpose for being here.Dr. Sue Morter has worked with individuals and groups around the globe imparting wisdom on natural health care and the power of consciousness to transform life. Her Energy Codes coursework is based on Energy Medicine, Quantum Theory and the deep study of consciousness present in eastern principles. A life-changing experience with ancient meditation practices inspired her to devote her life to sharing the freedom which is available to all.