In Sapporo wurden Ärzte und Krankenschwestern ermordet. Im Zuge der Ermittlungen des Strange Power Risk Management Offices stellt sich heraus, dass in dem Krankenhaus Versuche mit Übermenschen durchgeführt worden waren. Was war das Motiv des Hauptverdächtigen, Dämonenschwert Claude?
Murders targeting doctors and nurses have taken place in Sapporo. During the investigation of SPR children who manipulate magic and science, it is revealed that superhumans are used as guinea pigs for a horrible experiment. What is the goal of Wonder Sword Claude who is suspected as the mastermind? Kikko visits the Municipal Hakko High School when the heroic superhuman Galboi Riker who flew from the Soviet comes falling down in a horrid state. The students get a testimony saying he was shot down by the Self-Defense Force and the American superhuman Master Ultima, and rise up against the tyranny of the government.
Claude à l’épée mystérieuse a commis un véritable massacre dans un hôpital de Hokkaïdo, et le DSH n’est pas au bout de ses surprises en arrivant sur les lieux. Peu de temps après, Galboï Laïka, une légende du monde super-humain, s'écrase dans un lycée japonais sous les yeux de Kikko. Les deux affaires seraient-elles liées ?
主犯と目される怪剣クロードの意図は何か? 府立八方高校を訪れた輝子の前に、ソ連から飛来した英雄超人ガルボイ・ライカーが変わり果てた姿で落下してきた。
킷코는 지구의 약이 들지 않아 종종 핫포고의 보건 선생님인 나가카와를 찾는다. 어느 날 그 학교에 러시아의 초인인 가르보이 라이카가 추락하게 된다. 추락 사건으로 그곳에 괴검 클로드도 나타나게 되면서 과거 다이테츠 사건과 관련된 무지개 나이트에 관한 숨겨진 비밀이 드러나게 된다.